Pro Light & Sound purchased twelve ShowPro Pharos compact LED profiles knowing that there would be situations where they would need a fixture equivalent to a 1.2K profile but power would be limited.
“We are also quite conscious with our Going Green Company Policy and see these units as the perfect way to tick several boxes,” said Stav Hatzipantelis, of PL&S. “We’ve found them to be easy to control via DMX and they have smooth, flicker free dimming – great for photography and TV. We often do events televised to millions around the world so it’s important to have the right colour temperature for cameras too!”
The Pharos LED profiles were recently used on a theatrical event held in Chadstone Shopping Centre. The show combined a contemporary story with some great theatrics, dancing and classic songs and ran for three weeks.
“Together with W-DMX, we were able to roll out a fantastic show within the venue limitations,” added Stav. “With limited power and restricted cabling runs in the shopping centre, this would have been almost impossible to do using conventional profiles with a 3 phase dimmers.
Stav further commented that he has been very happy with the investment and after six months of trouble free usage, he has decided to replace all PL&S’s conventionals with the Pharos units.