This October’s ENTECH tour will expand our popular ENTECH Theatres with a new stream of single-city talks, round tables, collaborations, and presentations. We’re looking for people in any of our five cities to come forward and share with colleagues a 30-minute timeslot. And we PAY. Here are the dates in OCTOBER: Brisbane Tue 8, Sydney Thur 10, Melbourne Tue 15, Adelaide Thur 17, Perth Tue 22nd October.
Adding to single-city exhibits, each show day will be different, with local production and service suppliers mixing with our strong national exhibitor cohort, which is already headed for a sell-out.
In addition, we’re inviting state-based associations and groups to take a space on the trade floor for free. And collections: show your museum!
Another new addition is the employer hookup where anyone wanting to chat to prospective new hires can book a timeslot and a table in the Chameleon Café which we will promote. It ices the cake for each show to have a strong regional flavour in addition to showing hundreds of new products, plugged in and happening all over the show floor.
So it’s time to uncork your ideas, pour a relaxation beverage (of any type) and send your proposed pitch by email to – the payment is a modest stipend, unless your name is **********.
Maybe it is.
To loosen the mind, some generic ideas are listed below:
• Mindfulness for stage people
• My studio design
• Stages of Tomorrow
• The church system I built
• Drone Show tech
• Theatrical/tech incompetence: case studies
• Building brand identity using stage
• Task Specific Lighting Solutions
• New Tech Education – what do we need?
• How I lit that place
• Lighting Designer round table
• Expanding Storytelling through technology
• Tomorrow in light of today
• Virtual Production – here and now
• Evolution of electroacoustic systems
• Hoist and stage structure mistakes
• Designing for big scale shows with efficient workflow
• Brand identity in the age of digital transformation
• Virtual camera and tracking technology
• Electrical Certificate of Compliance. Coming to bite you
• Connecting devices, pipelines and data streams
• Painting with light – creative process, inspiration and technologies
• Theatre tech management: innovations, challenges, funding
• How to get started in the stage technology industry?
• Mindfulness for stage people
• Designing facilities for the culture of tomorrow
• Green Topic: a Company’s professional approach to it
• Accessibility/inclusiveness
• Protection of intellectual property
• The transformative impact of sharing in the VP industry
• Mental health in the entertainment industry
• Drone show – Space challenge or earthly spacewalk?
• Atmos, immersion, surround sound…. could someone explain it?
Tip of the hat to for some of these – and to Darren McLanders from LSC for the discussion!
Email or or if you’d like to chat call Julius on +61 408 498 180 or Kate at +61 418 359 330.