Nathaniel Brown, lighting designer for Riverview Church in Perth, has taken ownership of four Clay Paky Sharpy moving beam lights and he couldn’t be happier!
“They’re very, very nice,” he enthused. “I really like that they are a powerful light with not a lot of draw so I can fit them into my creaking old electrical grid!”
During a church service the lighting tends not to be overly dramatic or too rock’n’roll looking as it is necessary to see the artists and speakers clearly. Nathaniel was looking for a fixture that could cut through all of the other lighting and he certainly found one in the Sharpy!
“They are so bright!” he exclaimed. “I was pleasantly surprised by the versatility of the beam; obviously they do tight, thin and long and that’s why I bought them, but they also flare out really well. You can still fan out with some interesting beam designs and spin the gobo. They really are more than just a tight beam.”
Clay Paky Sharpy is a 189W moving head with an unprecedented brightness usually achievable only with far greater wattages. Tipping the scales at just 16 kg, Sharpy produces a perfectly parallel, laser-like beam with an incredible output of 5,100 footcandles at 65 feet. It is also groundbreaking in the purity of its beam, which is sharply defined and free of any halo or discoloration around the edges. It offers an interchangeable colour wheel with 14 fixed colours and an interchangeable gobo wheel with 17 fixed gobos, allowing users to change the shape of the beam and create an array of spectacular mid-air effects.
“The Sharpys are also very fast and very, very responsive,” added Nathaniel. “I don’t wave them about really fast like you would in a rock show but they are very snappy and responsive when required. They also move really smoothly in a slow speed with absolutely no jerking which means I can do lots of thirty-second movements.”

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