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Philips Vari-Lite Announces the ‘1 on 1 with Vari-Lite’ Video Contest

Philips Vari-Lite announces the ‘1 on 1 with Vari-Lite’ video contest designed to challenge lighting designers, technicians, and fans worldwide to produce a one-minute video featuring one single Vari-Lite luminaire. With prizes that include a paid trip to LDI or Prolight + Sound, GoPro Cameras, and Vari-Lite swag packs, the winners of the contest will be selected by an independent panel of judges and all entries must be received by October 17, 2014.

“Knowing the high level of creativity that exists with lighting professionals worldwide, we are very excited to launch this video contest,” said Brad Schiller, Philips Vari-Lite product marketing manager. “With the only requirement to use one Vari-lite luminaire as the main subject matter in a one-minute video, we are eager to see how each entrant pushes the boundaries of their own imagination.”

Judging for the contest will be based on overall video creativity and the use of the single luminaire as the main subject matter. Entrants may use any Vari-Lite luminaire desired and video submissions should not exceed 90 seconds in length. The subject matter for the video is up to the discretion of the entrant, but any subject matter deemed to be inappropriate for public viewing of all ages will not be considered for judging. To watch an overview video of the contest, as well a full listing of contest rules and prizes, visit the press room at

Source: Media release

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