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Standards News

Phasing Out of Incandescent Lamps – Technical Report Released for Comment

The Depart of Climate Change’s Equipment Energy Efficiency (E3) Committee has released the technical report – “Phase-Out of Inefficient Incandescent Lamps and Standards for Compact Fluorescent Lamps” for comment by 1st February. This is the report on which the forthcoming elimination of General Lighting Service incandescent lamps will be based.

There is a recognition in the report that there are many incandescent lamps that are not GLS and that these are not directly targeted for elimination. However we already know from the horrendous problems caused by the implementation of the removal of piggy-back plugs from retail sale, that unintended consequences are no less severe than intended ones.

It would seem that the key number in the report is the minimum required energy efficiency requirement of 20 lumens per Watt. From a greenhouse emissions perspective this number is surprisingly low, but it will mean that many of our current tungsten halogen incandescent lamps will probably make through the process unscathed, even without direct exemptions.

You can download a copy of the report from

and pass your views on to ALIA for inclusion in our submission.

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