You may never have heard of him, but Notis Sfakianakis is apparently like the John Farnham of Greece! In June he played to adoring audiences at Sydney Entertainment Centre and Melbourne’s Hisense Arena with a fabulous production supplied by Phaseshift Lighting and Johnston Audio.
Notis Sfakianakis’ LD Alex Petraj liaised closely with Phaseshift to ensure a spectacular show using sixty-four Martin MAC700 fixtures, twenty-two Martin Stagebars and plenty more all controlled by a MA Lighting grandMA.
The rig was comprised of a front truss and two mother trusses over the stage from which were sub-hung seven finger trusses. On each one of the fingers there were three MAC700 washes and three MAC700 profiles. The front mother grid truss there were six bars of ACLs and more MAC700 profiles whilst the rear mother grid truss had four bars of Studio Due CS4’s and two bars of ACLs. On the front of each mother truss there were a 4-lites.
The front truss held seven MAC700 wash, twelve 4-lites and twelve Source 4 profiles. On the stage floor were twelve MAC700 profiles and six Martin Atomic strobes.
“The opening was the highlight of the show for me,” commented Lawrie Videky, managing director of Phaseshift. “Notis appears on top of the riser where there’s a treadmill placed so he can do this walking thing to the ‘Eye of the Tiger‘ song! It’s very Eurovision.”
Leading down from the riser was a two-metre wide staircase which Phaseshift retrofitted with sixteen Martin LED Stagebars using custom brackets.
Sydney crew: Lawrie Videky, John Bamford, Matt Spiker, Rob Oswald
Melbourne crew: John Bamford, Matt Spiker, Rob Oswald, Troy Brown, Tim Beeston

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