The Generocity Church in Wagga Wagga required a cost-effective solution for house lighting, as well as a warm front of house wash to light specific stage areas without spillage onto their video screen.
“We haven’t had any experience in specifying lighting and needed someone to advise us,” began James Giddings, a church goer who volunteers his time for all things technical. “We turned to Show Technology’s Gareth Mealing who was brilliant in terms of showing us product that fitted within our budget.”
Gareth recommended some of the new Nitec products – eight Photon 80 and four Pharos – and James couldn’t be happier.
The Photon 80 is a compact RGB LED PAR utilising the latest in Chip On Board technology to project saturated, perfectly mixed colours.
“We use the Photon 80’s as our house lights,” explained James. “We took the focusing lens off them to get the wider beam so they work really well as a house light. They’ve given us plenty of coverage without having to install many of them.”
As a wide lens fixture, the Photon 80 covers a 12 by 12 meter radius with a low ceiling of 3.2 meters from floor to grid.
“We weren’t sure how many to use in terms of getting the right coverage as we required enough light for people to move around safely and read bibles,” said James. “At the same time we didn’t want to distract too much from the stage. Most houselights just deliver white light but with the Photon 80 allows us colour to set different moods.”
The Church also needed a fixture to light the stage area that was bright enough to allow for filming as some sermons are broadcast to other churches. James tested the Pharos LED Profile and he was impressed with its warm white colour, LED intensity and 15-30 degree zoom.
“They’ve been great and it’s all quality gear, as we expected it to be,” he said.