Riverside Theatres is a premier performing arts venue in Sydney’s central city, Parramatta. It is a well-established theatre and highly respected both by the local community and the national arts industry.
We have supplied HEX panel wash lights to Riverside Theatres for the adornment of their main stage. This HEX Panel is an amazing wash light with barn doors that features 24x12W RGBAW+UV LEDs which are not only able to produce all the basic RGBW hues but also project Amber & UV colour.
These lights come with 4 strategically placed large `barn doors’ to manage light accurately and block it from hitting places that it doesn’t need to. The barn door is a hinged metal fitted to a spotlight to control the direction and intensity of its beam. This HEX Panel supports 9 DMX channels and features 5 operating modes; DMX512, Standalone, Master/Slave, Sound Active, Colour Preset.
These wash lights have a projection angle of 38.5° which gives an amazing colour blending effect from a relatively short throw distance. Instead of a bright spot, it gives a soft-edge projection. It is best suited for stage wash use and other general wash purposes. Stage wash lighting is a general lighting effect, where a broad beam is used to generally light up an area on a stage.
In addition, these wash lights offer Neutrik powerCon In/Out connectors at the back allowing daisy-chaining of power supply without the need of running separate power leads or using piggyback leads. This will result in a faster setup/installation time with a clean and neat looking rig. These fixtures require very little maintenance.
You can dry hire this unit or you may avail of our complete production service for your event, as per your requirements.