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ENTECH 2011, which takes place at SCEC on 19 – 21 July 2011, has secured international Lighting Designer Rob Halliday to speak during the...
Opera Australia is a Sydney-based full time repertory company staging over 200 performances at the Sydney Opera House and The Victorian Arts Centre annually. It...
In November 2010 Jands completed their second installation of a CableNet system in Australia at the Sydney Catholic Vocational College in Burwood NSW. The...
New home of the Black Swan and Perth Theatre companies, and located inside the $100 million State Theatre Centre, the Heath Ledger Theatre is...
Designed to be used in conjunction with Pathways DMX over Ethernet nodes the Pathway Network Fade Processor (NFP) generates reliable DMX512 output from Crestron...
Geelong Performing Arts Centre is seeking experienced and enthusiastic people to join our team. Suitable applicants will be able to demonstrate all or some...