Gigs are definitely on their way back! Last weekend NW Group had the absolute pleasure to help their friends at Opera Queensland launch their 40th Birthday season at Brisbane’s iconic Riverstage, with Opera Queensland Under the Stars. With a program presenting 10 of Queensland’s most outstanding singers alongside the brilliant Queensland Symphony Orchestra and a 60 voice Opera Queensland choir, the night was an amazing return to live music in one of their most loved spaces.
Norwest provided all audio and vision for the event. Great gigs deserve great PA systems, and our L-Acoustics inventory delivered the goods, with K2, X8, Wifo and KS28 upfront, and 12XT and X8 monitors on stage. Geoff McGahan brought together the beautiful tones on a Digico SD5, with the system built and tuned by our Head of Audio, Ian Shapcott (KSE). Josh Finlayson kept it clean on monitors mixed on the Digico SD8, with Luke Symons and Tom Selway looking after the stage and patch, no mean feat for this gig!
Kishan Maisuria, Dean Maxwell and Matt Carr handled the screens, switching and camera calls, and our friends from Eventco provided cameras and operators.
And that, old mate, is how we do gigs!