We have passed the dystopian 1984. We passed the space odyssey 2001. We are into 2020, and the future is officially now. Our voracious audiences have devoured every gag that we can physically throw at them. They appreciated the drum kit roller coaster. They allowed us to fly drones over their heads. They tolerated the laser beams in their face. They even briefly cheered when we drenched them in Faygo and then coated them with confetti. The bravest ones even came back asking for more. We have reached the outer limits of the live performance universe, and we still need to go further. One viable next step is to take them into the virtual world with us. We can take the audience beyond the limitations of time and physics and deliver them into a digital panacea. Please take a few moments to go on a journey through time and space with myself and our guide, screens producer J.T. Rooney of Silent Partners Studio.
Read the full article at: https://plsn.com/articles/showtime/open-your-mind-to-augmented-reality/