You may have heard about New Zealand’s Oceania Productions losing a ton of gear in a truck fire and we were deeply saddened to hear that amongst the 100 cubic metres of lighting gear that got incinerated were a couple of MA2 light consoles.
Whilst we mourned the loss of these two little troupers, the upside was that Oceania needed to replace their MA2 lights!
“We decided it would be better to have a full size MA2, an MA2 light and an NPU in order to cater to the live concert scene,” said Simon Garrett, General Manager of Lighting at Oceania. “It’s a pretty good package for that market as you have full back up and tracking. If you’re going to be serious about concerts and festivals you definitely need to be able to offer an MA package.”
Simon commented that they frequently use their MA package for corporate events with the MA2 light onstage doing updates, with the full size FOH.
“We’re very happy with our new MA equipment,” remarked Simon. “My staff have been hassling me for ages to buy an MA2 full size so this was a great opportunity to shut them up.”