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Business News

NW Group grow with MA Lighting

carmaNW Group are growing their inventory of MA Lighting MA2 gear with the recent acquisition of an MA2 full size, an MA2 light, two MA onPC with fader wings and a NPU signal processor.

Already owning two MA2 light and a MA onPC with fader wing, NW Group has been a big fan of the MA platform for many years.

“The MA2 gear joins our existing fleet of rock solid MA1 consoles which have been a great long term investment and we are hoping to get the same consistent investment in the new products,” commented David Gleig, Senior Project Manager at NW Group. “Our two MA classic consoles are over 10 years old and still an extremely reliable product which is why we have chosen to stay with MA consoles as the life span is excellent.”

IMG_5728Lighting designer Ziggy Ziegler frequently works with NW Group on a variety of corporate gigs and he always requests an MA2.

“I like using the MA2 fullsize, it has become a warm friendly constant in the world of lighting,” he remarked. “The extra faders and screen and buttons come in very handy for the world of corporate events and live concerts where things are changed and added constantly at fast pace, even during the show.”

Ziggy further describes the MA2 as extremely flexible and just as easily used for live shows, theatre or timecoded media displays, saying it feels comfortable and secure, reliable to use.

“The MA range of consoles is now so extensive in Australia that you need to know how to use one, they are everywhere and with good reason,” he said. “The backup and support for MA2 in Australia is also fantastic. The console has lasted well over the years and does not feel dated like some other consoles do. I find new features and ways to use it every week.”

NW Group recently expanded with the acquisition via merger of Haycom, a leading supplier of corporate audio visual services across Eastern Australia. The merger, alongside further significant investment in lighting inventory, solidifies NW Group’s position as a national full-service production supplier.

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