Big Picture has partnered with Notch VFX to host the upcoming 2 day training in Sydney, 13th & 14th November 2018. Come and learn how to create mind-blowing motion graphics and real-time visual effects to integrate in your next show.
The training is focused on content artists, designers, technicians and anyone who wants to understand what can be achieved with Notch.
The structure of the course is hands-on following-along (at a relatively high velocity), but we welcome attendees who just want to bring a pad and pen to take notes on the capabilities of the tool.
- Introduction
- UI & Workflow
- Video FX (2D IMAG effects)
- Lights
- Materials
- Animation
- Deformers
- External files & Formats
- Cloners
- Particle Systems
- Field Systems
- Procedurals
- Exporting (to video, stand-alone & media serverse)
- Depth sensors & Mocap
- Face tracking, splines, layer precomp & Advanced Tips
- Q&A
Full details and how to book a place