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Standards News

New version of RDM standard now available for sale

ANSI E1.20 – 2010, a new and improved version of Entertainment Technology-RDM-Remote Device Management over USITT DMX512 Networks, is available for sale from The ESTA Foundation at The 2010 edition corrects errors in the 2006 edition, and adds a new message to say that a previously reported problem has been cleared. The new version is sold to the general public at US$40 (AU$37) a copy, with discounts for PLASA members. The old 2006 edition will continue to be available for those needing it as a legacy document.

The errors in the 2006 version are detailed in an errata document, which is available for free at However, the 2010 edition is extensively bookmarked, making it much easier to use than the 2006 version—enough easier that some have said this feature is worth the cost of the new copy, never mind the corrections and the new message.

ANSI E1.20 describes a method of bi-directional communications over a USITT DMX512/1990 or ANSI E1.11 – 2004 data link between an entertainment lighting controller and one or more remotely controlled lighting devices. The protocol was written to work with the ANSI E1.11-2004 control standard, but will work equally well with the current 2009 version of E1.11. It allows discovery of devices on a DMX512/E1.11 network and the remote setting of DMX starting addresses, as well as status and fault reporting back to the control console

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