LightGeist of Scotland is introducing three devices at ProLight + Sound in Frankfurt. Badger, LightStick and Splodger are semi-flexible RGB LED products encapsulated into light sticks, worn as badges or housed in freestanding units. These can be deployed en masse to form a ‘living’ video wall to engage audiences in a totally immersive experience. Units can be programmed to create Mexican waves at sporting events, flash to the beat during music concerts, create brand visualisation and channel video content.
LightStick is a wireless RGB LED light stick, designed to be carried by audience members which, together, act as ‘pixels’ through which moving images and videos can be channelled, transforming the audience into a giant screen.
LightStick’s unique control process communicates with the units without the use of WiFi. “By avoiding WiFi we eradicate the danger of the image becoming diffracted as audience members move around,” explains Sutherland. “WiFi can only send signals to blocks of units, each of which would require an individual address. Our system is more refined, sending signals in rapid succession to any LightStick in a particular position. The target can change quickly as needed if the location of any LightStick changes. The result is that much finer content, including video content and bespoke patterns, can be channelled through the crowd without the total image being disturbed by the movement of individuals.
LightGeist’s cable-free technology allows LightStick to be easily distributed amongst the audiences and its form factor, chosen following consultations with lighting designers touring with rock bands, mean it can be held aloft and is easily visible in flat-floor arena settings and on dance floors. This gives a better visual result and encourages the audience to become part of the show.
Badger uses the same technology as LightStick but can be embedded in badges or hats, for example, and worn by audience members. Badger is well suited to seated stadium events and venues. Video content can range, for example, from the creation of Mexican waves in team colours as a goal is scored, to the sudden ‘appearance’ of national flags. Control can be live or via pre-sequence setting.
LightGeist has incorporated its cable-free, cloud lighting into Splodger, a freestanding, battery-operated LED unit that provides moving images on ground surfaces.
Designed as a landscape lighting fixture, Splodger can be used to create an all-encompassing environment, delineating landscape features, guiding pathways, pop-up advertising or brand displays at corporate, sporting, music and retail events.
Fast and easy to deploy, Splodger can be placed in any shape or order and will self-locate so no time is lost assigning addresses to each unit. Splodger will then use this position to become a pixel in a giant display. Video content can be played through the ‘pixels’ via Art-Net and DMX, just as it can with LightStick and Badger.
The self-location function requires no individual address-assignment, reducing set up time and delivering higher margins for rental companies. Splodger’s IP67 rating makes it suitable for both indoor and outdoor use and its batteries are re-charged in its carry-case while in storage or transit.
Splodger is also available as a lighter, smaller option for attachment to glass windows and walls, proving an extremely versatile fitting ideal for non-permanent applications such as opening night events and museum displays.
“LightGeist’s intention is to provide reliable technology in an affordable solution,” says Sutherland. “All of our products are designed and manufactured in the UK with great attention to detail. The lack of cabling makes them affordable, portable and extremely versatile, and our control mechanism is proving a solid, reliable technology. We are very excited by the sheer scale of creative possibilities our range presents to sporting, music, corporate, cultural and other events and welcome people to visit our stand at Prolight + Sound.”

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