Perth is the latest Staging Connections branch to receive MA onPC command wings with the company owning quite a collection of these little beauties nationwide.
“We really like the small footprint of the MA onPC command wing especially for those jobs where the space is too tight for our MA2 light consoles,” commented Rocco Anzellotti, technical director of Staging Connections. “The MA onPC command wing is perfect particularly as the touch screen is in line with the width of the wing.”
According to Rocco, operating the MA onPC command wing is exactly like running a MA2 which is very useful for his crew who in the past, have sometimes stumbled with different control surfaces.
“Everyone is comfortable with the MA2 platform – they have all their own profiles, we have all of the fixtures and everyone has no trouble going from one to the other,” he said. “Our initial idea was to purchase the MA onPC command wings for our smaller shows incorporating up to ten moving lights and that is working well. However, we are also putting our MA onPC command wings on bigger shows where we know we don’t require so much heavy programming and few pages. Sometimes the guys put the virtual faders up on the touch screen and use those for extra faders.”
The MA onPC command wings are also used as backup consoles for the main MA2 consoles.
“We love the idea of running CAT5 as a front of house cable and we hardly ever run any long DMX from front of house anymore,” added Rocco. “We run CAT5 down to MA NPU’s or MA NSP’s, in fact we love the NPU’s. We also have MA 2Port Node onPCs and all sorts of MA accessories too.”
Rocco reports that the consoles have been 100% reliable and that the software is very stable.
Staging Connections also purchased some MA 2Port Node onPCs for a fit out of the Shangri-La Hotel enabling the MA onPC command wing to be run in full mode or in two breakout room modes, and Rocco loves this ability to be able to easily divide the system.
Another MA2 light was also purchased for installation into The Ivy in Sydney.