Despite the uncertainty currently whirling around distribution agreements in the Australian entertainment technology sector, LSC Lighting Systems have, despite all rumours to the contrary, retained exclusive distribution of their own products, worldwide.
In a shock move, bucking industry trends, LSC Lighting will continue to manufacture, distribute, and support their range of dimmers, power control, lighting control and data infrastructure to over 40 countries worldwide. Despite taking a long, hard look at themselves and determining if they really wouldn’t mind giving it all away and letting some other mug deal with it, the management team decided to continue to build and deploy their industry standard products from their own site in Melbourne, as they have done since 1980.
LSC was founded by Gary Pritchard 38 years ago and, remarkably, he continues to manage the company to this day. The Australian sales team of Richie Mickan and Greg Hughes have both been with the company for over a decade each, building up the kind of institutional and technical knowledge that has suddenly become unfashionable amongst other technology brands as of early 2018.
At a recent industry show, LSC was tempted by many enticing offers of new distribution, including pitches from JB HiFi, Bev’s Discount Bedding, Ando’s Fully Sick DJ and Party Services, and Peters of Kensington. However, LSC’s powers-that-be, over a few quiet VBs in a local café, unanimously rejected all offers.
When interrogated about this controversial decision, LSC’s Richie Mickan stated “Why would we want to change? LSC is wholly Australian owned by LSC, so we are the perfect company fit; it’s just so easy. If there are technical questions that need answers, it’s a 20 metre walk to talk to the R&D department. It’s only 30 metres more to the Production Manager and manufacturing floor, allowing us direct access to the entire assembly team.”
LSC Lighting Systems will be on the show floor at ENTECH Roadshow, where you can take them to task on this obviously hare-brained decision. Come on have a go at them between 11 AM and 6 PM on:
Tuesday 20th February Brisbane: Royal ICC at RNA
Thursday 22nd February Melbourne: Crown Conference Centre
Tuesday 27th February Sydney: Royal Randwick
Thursday 1st March Adelaide: Adelaide Convention Centre
Wednesday 7th March Perth: Perth Convention Centre
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