Missy Higgins hit the road in September with her long-standing LD Kait Hall for the ‘OZ’ tour hitting 22 stops in five weeks . Kait decided to use Resolution X on the east coast to provide her lighting equipment and touring crew. Kait ran the whole system on a grandMA 2 Light and Fader Wing with tracking backup via MAonPC with command and fader wings. A Barco R12 Projector was used for projection with media controlled by coolux Pandora’s Box to create the main scenic element of the shows. ResX purchased new laptops running Pandora’s (main and back up) allowing for the main tour requirements and a flyable system for the West Coats dates.
With all the newest toys at Front of House, Kait used some tried and tested fixtures onstage to great effect. Martin MAC 700 Profiles and Martin MAC 2000 Washes did the bulk of the work mixed with some Molefay duets and Selecon Hui Cyc units. Robe 400ft Hazers providing the atmospherics.
“I want to commend the work Res X did to help the Missy tour be the success that it was”
“The gear had been prepped well and it showed”