David Fairless of Colourblind was engaged as the production designer for 2021’s Melbourne Music Week (MMW) – Hub series. The week-long series featured diverse musical genres ranging from full-size bands to DJ shows which called for a design that could work in all scenarios and be incorporated into a pre-existing space in Melbourne’s CBD – Max Watts.

With limited use of haze, curved walls, multi-levelled flooring and not many available rigging points or power, David had to think not what he could do on the ground or around the space but instead what could seamlessly fit in with the pre-existing venue and didn’t rely heavily on atmosphere. These challenges lead him to the design which sparked motivation and intrigue to a unique design.
“For this, I designed a rig that subtly hung overhead and extended down onto the stage linking the back of the venue with the performance area,” explained David. “This led people’s attention to the stage and immersed them into the show.”

Staying within the realms of a linear design, David chose fixtures that could continue that look to extend the reach of the show into the room.
“By using these fixtures in conjunction with the LED strips I was able to create a cohesive design that worked both in the room and on the stage,” he said. “Tying the room design into the stage design was something very important to me.
“The two linked so seamlessly that the middle pixel tube of the GLP JDC was a part of the LED strips leading from the stage into the room.”

Max Watts went under a technological upgrade for the event, by incorporating new-age fixtures and technology, David was able to transform the space into an experience for all.
Phaseshift, SWS and LED Strip Solutions provided their current hire stock and custom-built fixtures for the week-long series.
“I wanted to transport patrons into a new experience, I wanted them to feel that they had stepped into another world,” commented David. “The music lead the change in the operation of the rig which evolved the design.”

Dion Prasad, Nathan Aveling and Rhys Newling all came to the challenge to light multiple acts over the week-long series.
“A special mention to Matthew Jens and Nathan Aveling from Gig Control who Production Managed the whole series and installed the design,” added David. “Without their dedication and careful deliberation of the design, it wouldn’t have been possible to bring the vision to life.”