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Employment News

Mechanist Opera Australia

Position Title:            Mechanist

Opportunity:              Seasonal full-time contracts available, December 2016 – March 2017.

Employer:                  Not for Profit – Opera Australia

Closing Date:            5pm Monday 21st November 2016

Web Address: 

Apply to Email:

Summary: Opera Australia is seeking Expressions of Interest from production staging (mechanist) crew to work on the repertory Mainstage Sydney summer season at the Sydney Opera House in 2017.

Description: From mid-December 2016, through to the early April 2017 Opera Australia will be presenting our Sydney Summer repertory season consisting of 5 outstanding operas at the Joan Sutherland Theatre, Sydney Opera House.

Roles Available

There are opportunities for a number of production staging crew to join our specialist Mechanist team.

Engagements will be for from mid-December 2016 – early April 2017.

To further information and a detailed Position Description, please refer to OA website:

Your covering letter should address the criteria listed under the Selection Criteria section of the Position Description, with reference to the key accountabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Key Dates?

22nd December 2016                          Venue bump in commences

24th December 2016                           Rehearsals begin on stage

31st December 2016                           First opening night performance of the season

31st Dec 2016 to 1st April 2017           Sydney Summer performances

2nd April 2017                                      Venue bump out

Do you work on Public Holidays?

Yes – depending on the schedule, although we do not work on Christmas Day 25th Dec 2016.

When will someone get back to me?

Expressions of Interest are reviewed as soon as received, and successful respondents should expect to hear from Opera Australia by 28th November 2016.

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