Diverse AV saw the launch of Melbourne clothing label Third Chapter’s new range as the ideal opportunity to debut their new Martin RUSH MH1 and their old favourites the Blinder Bar.
“I found that the money I was spending on cross hires was really eating into my profit and so I decided it was time to buy some of my own gear,” commented Brad Hurle, managing director of Diverse AV.
When Brad came across the Martin RUSH range he knew straight away it was the perfect fit for his requirements. His company doesn’t supply a lot of arena size shows rather small venues at the moment, with a capacity up to 1500 and so he doesn’t need to spend thousands of dollars on a high end fixture.
“The Martin RUSH range made the most sense to me and Show Technology’s Simon Barrett was a valuable resource showing me all the options available,” said Brad. “It was really good because he wasn’t trying to sell me the most expensive product rather what was most suitable and would make me money fast.”
Brad decided to start with a purchase of six Martin RUSH MH1 Profiles stating that you really can’t go past the Martin brand for reliability.
“When you think of moving lights, you think of Martin straightaway,” he remarked. “Also, we don’t have to worry about stocking heaps of lamps and not having to keep serious track of lamp hours is great.”
Brad further commented on the RUSH MH1’s effective optics that deliver a variety of effects and some great colours from two gobo wheels and two colour wheels. For added versatility and effect, it also houses an electronic dimmer and strobe, iris and 3-facet prism.
The event also saw Diverse AV’s six Blinder Bars in action as well as 2 Martin MAC301 movers.
“We love the Blinder Bars, because you just can’t go wrong with tungsten blinder look, but with the sun strips, you can get so creative with the 10 channel mode,” Brad concluded.

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