Myles Audio Visual Gold Coast has invested in a whole family of Martin RUSH fixtures as well as an MA Lighting dot 2 for control. These are used for a variety of events around Surfer’s Paradise but in particular for their main client Dreamworld.
“The MH1 is a very versatile fixture with a lot of gobo options,” commented Troy Tregellas, managing director of Myles AV. “It’s also very user-friendly which is good for some of our new guys. The MH4’s are punchy and have been successful at Dreamworld because of their ability to shoot long distances onto canopies whilst retaining a very bright and clear image. The MH2’s are just great all-rounders and are ideal for smaller spaces at Dreamworld.”
The dot2 has proven to be versatile allowing the Myles AV crew to handle any type of show required of them.