Comprising two of the finest acoustic spaces in the southern hemisphere, carefully crafted to present the best music the world has to offer, Melbourne Recital Centre is a world-class facility for the performance, recording and broadcasting of music.
A world-class venue needs world-class equipment and so six Martin MAC Viper Profiles have recently been added to the existing Martin MAC TW1 fixtures.
“We found that we were doing more and more contemporary shows that needed a little more than what we already had, in terms of lighting,” commented Geoff Adams, Senior Technician, when asked why the Vipers were purchased. “We decided to get some moving profiles and really the Vipers stood out head and shoulders above everything else! The choice was really easy. I like just about everything about the Viper; great gobos, good colour mixing, great zoom and I love the large aperture .”
According to Geoff, the Vipers fit in very nicely with the MACTW1 fixtures and combined he can get some great looks.
“The Vipers have given the lighting guys so much more scope and they allow us to do so much more in the venue with the time that we are given,” he added. “I really like their intensity – the amount of light you get out of them is incredible for a 1000W fixture. They have opened up a whole new range of possibilities such as being able to do more with saturated colours. The Viper has great colour saturation with a very little effect on its output.”
The MAC Viper Profile was the first fixture in Martin’s MAC Viper Family of moving heads, which has since grown to include seven different variants. It is convincingly brighter and more efficient than 1200-watt fixtures and is even an alternative to 1500-watt fixtures.
“The small profile is great and the gobo selection is fantastic,” Geoff remarked. ” They’re very good optically and the versatility behind their beam in terms of zoom capability is amazing.”

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