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Martin M1 in control of visuals at Alumbra

Quite a while ago, before they installed some Martin MAC101 LED moving heads and Pro Shop LED MultiPAR Quad Colours, Melbourne’s prestigious Alumbra venue made the wise decision to install a Martin M1 console.

The choice proved to be astute as the venue has recently added some LED screens to their permanent install. During the week the LED panels are used to run advertisements and promotions for the venue but at the weekend they come alive with the inhouse lighting operator running visual effects through them.

“The venue has had the M1 console as a permanent install for well over a year and it has been nothing but reliable,” commented Louie Constantinou, director of Audio and Lighting Services who look after the venue’s technical requirements. “It was obviously the perfect choice because now we can also use it to control video.”

The Martin M1 user interface and structure allows for video and lighting integration with unmatched simplicity .The convergence of video and lighting is a reality no one can escape; it is part of large and small productions. Traditional “moving light” desks were never optimized to handle media servers properly. Using CITP protocol, the Martin M1 can display all video and cue content through a series of thumbnails. This simplifies the process of choosing content to display on video screens.

In the case of Alumbra, the media server is controlled via ARTNET from the venue’s Martin M1 console.  For during the ‘non club times’ a tvONE scaler was installed for the inhouse media system to run advertising and venue loops throughout the days for all the walk throughs.

“The M1 connected right up and we had no problems,” added Louie. “The M1 console was chosen for its small footprint and abundance of playbacks on the control surface.  The standard 10 cuelist faders and the 12 playback faders make it easy to control any show. It’s an easy console to get around with a really logical syntax. Plus is an affordable console and of course, we get great service from Show Technology.”

The M1 has been designed with a single philosophy in mind – simplicity – and features a clean and easy to navigate surface. Its fast dual-core processor ensures a fast and responsive user interface, even if hundreds of playbacks and effects are activated simultaneously.

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