For the guys at Scene Change in Tasmania choosing a new lighting console was a bit of a no-brainer according to Operations Manager Steve Fraser.
“You can’t beat the reliability of a Martin product,” he stated. “We spoke to quite a few people in the industry about choosing a new console, including Wrest Point Casino which had opted for a M1 console, and the feedback was that the M1 was the new standard in this level of lighting console.”
Since arriving in Hobart, Scene Change’s M1 console has been busy controlling award dinners, corporate events and other such high end shows. Steve comments that the M1 has proven to be a big hit with his lighting crew.
“The operators love the overall concept of the console,” he said. ” They like its small footprint and abundance of playbacks on the control surface. It’s just generally a good solid console.”
Steve is looking forward to getting another Martin M1 console in the near future.
The M1 has been designed with a single philosophy in mind – simplicity – and features a clean and easy to navigate surface. Its fast dual-core processor ensures a fast and responsive user interface, even if hundreds of playbacks and effects are activated simultaneously.
Pictured is Matt Walker operating the M1 console.

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