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Mandylights at Vivid 2012


Mandylights were thrilled to have three installations selected for Vivid 2012 in Sydney – the city’s annual festival of light, music and ideas. The team saw Vivid as a rare opportunity to experiment and play with light in the Sydney CBD and all three of their 2012 projects were included in the Sydney Morning Herald’s “Top 5 things to see at Vivid” guide.

Doing what they do best – creating unique lighting designs for any application – Mandylights created a giant game, three giant angler fish and a huge rotating cube for this great Australian festival. All three installations were conceived, rendered designed, drawn, programmed and constructed in house at their Camperdown offices in Sydney. 

Tic Tac Toe
Proving that Vivid isn’t all about deep and meaningful narratives and symbolism, Tic Tac Toe was a larger-than-life, simple and fun game of noughts and crosses, played on an interactive touch screen by members of the public and brought to life on a giant 9m high game board. Mandylights wrote the interface and control software for the installation which send MIDI commands to an MA Lighting onPC system. The game board was made up of nearly 500m of red, white and blue LED rope light and rigged on nine custom made steel panels.

The game was hugely popular, with over 10,000 games played over the festival.

Follow the Current
Mandylights designed the lighting to accompany this stunning crowd favourite produced by the Group D Creative Collective. Three enormous fish – built over Pedapod bicycle taxis – ‘swam’ around Circular Quay each night, gradually changing colour. Each fish featured 35m of DMX controlled RGB LED strip and another 80 individual LEDs which were mounted inside the teeth, eyes and mouth. Each fish featured it’s own battery and control system to randomly progress through different colours that matched the different textured fabrics that were used.

Colour Cubed
One of the most photographed installations was Colour Cubed, an enormous 2.4m x 2.4m cube set on a rotating base that projected coloured patterns out over a 50m radius. Designed by Mandylights to show visitors how a single light globe could look just as spectacular as an installation with thousands of light sources, the Cube featured one 2.5k tungsten lamp mounted in the centre of a steel frame. This frame was clad with coloured sheets of perspex which created stunning projected patterns around Campbell Cove, and the entire installation sat on a base that members of the public could rotate to spin the cube at different speeds.

Colour Cubed was seen in various international media publications and is now being squashed into a shipping container where it will become a key night time feature of September’s Forumla One Night Races in Singapore before moving onto a number of other international arts festivals. 

For more information and photos:

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