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Equipment News

MagicQ Consoles from Lighthouse Distribution

ChamSys offer a full range of exciting and innovative Consoles at world beating prices. Each Console utilises the powerful MagicQ operating system enabling shows to be programmed and played back on any MagicQ Console. This week we take a look at the MagicQ MQ50 Console, a reduced cost console for small theatres, schools and venues.

The MQ50 is the new addition to the MagicQ console range. The MQ50 takes the impressive functionality of the MQ100 and reduces it into a system 2/3 of the size and considerably lower weight.

The MQ50 has 10 playbacks each with FLASH, GO, PAUSE and SELECT buttons, and faders. Soft buttons, like those found around the touch-screen on MagicQ consoles are also provided, to enable selection of menu items and control of attributes.

The MQ50 is primarily targeted as a reduced cost console for small theatres, schools and venues. Thus, the MQ50 has a lower specification processor system, does not include a UPS, and has a simple construction. All connections are available on the rear panel, including a VGA socket for an external screen supplied by the user. This enables the user to choose between a low cost CRT monitor, a TFT, or one of the supported touch screens.

The MQ50 supports 4 direct DMX outputs. As with all MagicQ consoles additional outputs can be supported via Ethernet.

The MQ50 runs the same software as the other MagicQ consoles and hence the programming interface is the same. Show files are completely compatible.

Why not accessorise?

MagicQ Playback Wing

Extend your MagicQ Console with one or more extra Playback wings. MagicQ Playback Wings connect to MagicQ Consoles via USB. No extra software required, just connect the Wing to the Console, enable the wing in the Console options and the Playbacks are ready to control your show. With up to eight Playback wings you’ll never run out of playbacks.

ChamSys have a range of intelligent lighting controllers to suit every application.

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