Due to the current situation, MA Lighting would like to support all its users the best possible way, as many of them have to spend their time at home instead of working on projects, events or other jobs.
With its free education tools MA would like to give them an overview of everything that they can use to educate themselves or connect with other MA users.
MA Tips videos
With the MA Tips videos MA provides new grandMA3 knowledge every week.
MA E-learning
MA Lighting‘s own free of cost E-learning platform is a powerful tool when entering the world of MA training.
MA Software
The grandMA3 software is the soul of the grandMA3 platform and is designed to accommodate the current and future needs of lighting control. Users can download and test it for free.
MA Forum
The MA Forum is the meeting point for all MA users. Here they can ask questions about grandMA3 and dot2 and exchange with other users about all kinds of MA topics.
Find out more here: www.malighting.com/news/stayhomeandlearn/
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