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MA Lighting dot2 XL-F aids Uluru projection

dreamedia3 On UN Day in October, in celebration of the UN’s 70th anniversary, more than 350 landmarks in more than 80 countries across the globe lit blue – the official colour of the United Nations. Landmarks and iconic buildings including the Sydney Opera House, Rio de Janeiro’s Maracana Stadium and the ancient city of Petra in Jordan were bathed in bright blue light.

In Australia the iconic red rock Uluru became the only structure in the world to have the UN logo projected onto it. The event was held with the cooperation of the traditional owners – the Anangu people – and was the first time an image had been projected onto the rock face. The projection also marked the unofficial start of celebrations commemorating the handing back of the site to its traditional owners, 30 years ago.

Darwin-based productdreamedia4ion company Dreamedia sent their brand new MA Lighting dot2 XL-F console deep into the Australian outback for this prestigious event – even though it had not been used before.

“We had never used the dot2 before but we took it anyway safe in the knowledge that we wouldn’t have an issue with the library,” commented Chris O’Brien, managing director. “Initially we thought we’d need a full on lighting operator but yours truly ended up doing it and I’m not a lighting guy! Once we realized that the dot2 was so easy to use, I stayed myself and did the actual show. I couldn’t believe how simple it was to use.”

One of the reasons why Chris purchased a dot2 is that he plans to invest in training, a necessary task in northedreamedia1rn Australia as it’s not affordable to fly in operators for every show.

“If we can teach our guys on a dot2 then it should be an easy journey to the MA2 light,” added Chris. “Today, one of our lighting guys had a family emergency and had to fly south so I’m short a lighting guy. It’s not like Sydney where I could call numerous companies. This is the desert up here so we need to train our guys to be comfortable and confidant on a pretty secure platform.”

Dreamedia also own a MA Lighting MA2 light and Chris comments that the company are committed to investing in MA consoles over the next three years.

“We plan to get at least one more dot2,” he added. “Our location up here in the bush means that you can’t afford to have one of everything. All of the touring guys that have come through want to use a MA console and the fact that we have them, really puts us at the top of the tree as THE production company in the north of Australia.”

Chris reports that his MA2 light has been performing unbelievably well in some of the most remote places in northern Australia despite being covered with red dust and dirt.

“With the MA2 platform everything has now become possible,” said Chris. “The guys are telling me that the dreamedia2integration of LED and light with the MA2 is almost seamless. Media engines and pixel mapping seem to integrate so well into the MA platform; we can put up LED walls and lighting rigs and it’s all integrated. With the other platforms that we own, it always seems to be clunky and difficult.”

Dreamedia’s long term goal is to open up touring possibilities in northern Australia for bands by being able to offer the gear that they request.

Pictured are Aaron Thomas, head of lighting, and Chris O’Brien, managing director.

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