According to Gino Lombardi, Show Technology’s WA Branch Manager, the good technical people of Western Australia are always hungry for any kind of training Show Technology can offer and last month’s MA Training session was no exception quickly filling up.
Held at Show Technology’s Perth office, the event was headed by the MA Maestro himself – Vince Haddad who demonstrated on a MA2 lite kindly lent by WAAPA for the occasion. This was followed up with more in depth training.
Twelve operators or owners of grandMA consoles attended representing companies such as Corporate Theatre, AV Partners, Staging Connections, TLS, Nadam Events and also the Leederville Hotel.
”I picked up a lot on the video side of things and the other two guys who came with me are still learning the console so it was great for them,” commented Daniel Water, lighting designer for Corporate Theatre Productions. “They learnt a lot about setting up the console properly and things like networking.”
MA Training sessions will soon be held in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. Check for dates and booking details.

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