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International News

LSC controls Eurovision Song Contest

The European Song Contest has been around for many years and LSC is proud to have been associated with it for a number of those years, supplying TDS 48-channel touring dimmers, e24 dimming systems and DMX distribution.

Norway won the 2009 ESC when the artist Alexander Rybak took the audience and voters by storm. Norway thus won the right to host this year’s event. The National Broadcaster of Norway, NRK hosted the 2010 ESC in the brand new Telenor Arena.

Suggesting that a maXim M lighting desk, as shown in the photograph here, could control a show the size of the European Song Contest is a bit ambitious to say the least, particularly since the small range of maXims can only control 512 DMX slots.

However the NRK is well aware that the maXim has a multitude of uses.

For this year’s ESC, the NRK utilised a maXim M supplied by Multitechnic in Oslo for Stage Motion control, drapery, silks and drop downs.

The maXim finished up controlling a Kinesys K2, Chain Master products as well as Six Wahlberg DMX controlled Winches, Six Wahlberg DMX controlled Curtain rollups designed specifically for the ESC and 3 DMX  Beamslides.
The maXim was the number 1 choice for NRK due to its reliability and simplicity of use for hands on control.

This year’s event was won by Lena Meyer-Landrut from Germany .

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