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Lockdown with Barry Brody

Barry is a Tour, Production, Stage and Event Manager who started in the industry back in 1983. He has been based in Hobart Tasmania since 2018.

Barry is currently engaged as PM SummerSalt Festival, Castaway and touring PM for Zaccaria Concerts and Tours. Other work includes TM and PM for touring shows out of Europe for Mellen Events out of Perth WA, Consultant to the Regal Theatre in Subiaco WA, Assistant Producer for The Roadie Show and, importantly, a husband, father and grandfather.

What would you normally be doing this time of year?

Normally at this time of year, I would likely to have recently finished with Mellen who do tours throughout the winter months. I would be reconciling these tours and I’d be close to starting on the pre-production of the summer calendar of shows and festivals.

What’s a fairly normal day at the moment for you?

Trying to get out of bed at a good time, before 10 am. Still checking emails although I am getting very few these days, check The Roadie Show social media pages and start the fire. Hopefully, I have a project to attend too, currently doing some renovations at a property and gardening at home. Fishing is always on my agenda.

Are you learning anything to improve your skills set?

I have been trying to upskill during this time, I have renewed my First Aid and CPR, taken on a Mental Health First Aid course, a couple of different COVID Safety online courses, how to write a Grants Application and looking at Cert 3 and 4 for training.

What bad habits have you slipped into?

Bad habits would definitely be watching too much TV, spending too much time on Marketplace and buying too many $2 vinyl records and if you ask my wife, playing my guitar…waaaaay too much.

How are you coping financially?

Financially we are coping but having to be careful of the spend. My wife is a nurse so has plenty of work and no end in sight there. The financial issue I have is when will I be earning again? Having absolutely no income other than Job Keeper since March is scary.

When do you think live entertainment with return and in what format?

Entertainment returning is anyone’s guess right now, I don’t think we will see much activity until summer of 2021. I think we will see some significant changes to how shows are prepared. I think it’s going to take longer to get a show set up with limits on numbers in trucks and even on stage at times. Some of these changes may be for the better.

Do you have any words of encouragement?

We are a resourceful, resilient industry full of great people, it’s going to be tough but I am sure we can all come out of the other side of this with bigger and better shows and some renewed vigour and likely with some very up skilled crew. I hope so.

What makes you happy at the moment?

I have a 5 years old grandson who I spend a lot of time with on video calls and he makes me laugh daily. We do his homework, reading, spelling etc plus play some board games, he gets to move the pieces for me but I never win. Never..!!

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