C3 Church Tuggerah reached out to us wanting a production upgrade for the main auditorium which focused predominantly on upgrading the lighting.
Utilising the Churches existing rigging infrastructure to accommodate the new fixtures, we were able to provide and install multiple Pixapanel Slimline Flat Par Quad 12’s washing the stage from above with colour along with six ShowPro LED 105 Fresnel’s were installed to take care of their front stage wash covering all areas including where the preacher usually stands.
Along with the fixture upgrades, a Light Shark LS Core 8 Universe Lighting Controller took care of operating their new fixtures along with their existing LED Par’s and Impression 120Z Moving Wash Fixtures.
In addition to the lighting, we also provided two new 30m, 16 input, 4 output multi-cores to cover their audio upgrade requirements.
Equipment Used
12 x Pixapanel Slimline Flat Par Quad 12 with the Red Green Blue and Warm White LED Chip
6 x Showpro LEDFRE105 LED Fresnels
LightShark LS Core – 8 Universe lighting controller
2 x 30m – 16 Input, 4 Output Audio Multicore
DMX Cabling