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Light Bytes Book Launch at PLASA 2016

00F16CB2BCWayne Howell, CEO of Artistic Licence and inventor of Art-Net, is launching his book Light Bytes — Inside Art-Net and sACN at the Art-Net 4 Zone (stand R71) at this year’s PLASA London show, September 18 – 20.

The book — a practical reference on the Art-Net and sACN lighting protocols — is timely given the increasing use of Ethernet as a means for transporting DMX512. The publication also coincides with the release of Art-Net 4 at the PLASA London show.

The book has just been published in preview edition, and a small number will be available for purchase at stand R71. The company says this is an opportunity to quiz the author, Howell, first hand on Art-Net or sACN.

The press launch will take place at stand R71 at 5:00pm on Sunday, September 18. The company invites attendees to join in a glass of wine to celebrate the event.

The company says, while the Art-Net and sACN protocol definition documents are available to all, they do not seek to address real world implementation issues or developer FAQs. Written with practicality in mind, this book provides the missing link. Starting with a networking primer, it moves onto the detailed packet structures and definitions used in each protocol. Following the theoretical groundwork, readers are led through the problems that are often encountered in real-world applications, with tips on how to avoid them.

The book strives for a balanced approach, comparing and contrasting Art-Net and sACN, while explaining how each protocol is evolving to meet the needs of a changing marketplace. There is a handy chapter on freely available software diagnostics tools, along with useful code examples for both Art-Net and sACN developers.

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