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Equipment News

LEE releases new long life Zircon filters for LED fixtures

LEE filters are keen to point out that although LED lighting has many benefits, one of its stumbling blocks is that its intensity can contribute to the fade times of standard lighting filters. Their new Zircon range of filters are claimed to have a lifespan up to 200 times that of a normal filter material.

LEEā€™s R&D team has developed a new way of producing filters that ensures they last longer when used with LED lights. The new filters are also intended to be more robust and easier to handle as they are being manufactured using a heavier weight 180-micron base material, more than double the thickness of a normal lighting filter.

InĀ  LEEā€™s tests zircon Warm Amber filters have been shown to retain at least 80% of their effectiveness after as much as eight months of continuous use on LED downlighters.

The new range currently consists of 12 filters in three groups, Minus Green correction pinks, Warm Ambers and Diffusion materials.

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