Anyone who’s used a “White” LED source will have noticed that its colour- accuracy can be quite limited (particularly if it’s one of the Cool White variety), so it’s hardly surprising that when you gel a white LED fixture the result isn’t quite what you might have hoped for.
To help fix this problem LEE Filters has launched a new range of LED-specific Filters. LEE claim that these new filters when used on Cool White LED (>6000K) have been specifically designed to give a visual colour match to the existing colours on Tungsten (3200K). LEE want you to think of them as a range of colour-corrected colours as opposed to colours that are colour temperature corrected.
The CL range currently consists of corrected versions of 10 popular LEE colours: 104, 105, 106, 115, 116, 117, 126, 139, 147 and 158.
Lee Filters
Available in Australia from The John Barry Group

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