LED Strip Solutions helped BIG PLANS MELBOURNE transform their space into Melbourne’s premier facility for floor plan visualisation.
The Key Factors involved:
– Creation of the Bespoke 3D Neon Signage which was mounted to the ceiling beam to create another form of illumination.
– LED Illumination has been used to create nice accents around the space, such as in the kitchen, boardroom as well as side illuminate the staircase.
– A Ultimamax Bespoke Ceiling Lightbox was utilised to create a nice atmosphere in the upstairs office.
– Eurotruss HD34 Truss was used specifically for its weight loading on spans. This provided the ability to mount all projections, utilising only 4 Points on such wide spans.
Thanks to the use of LED Illumination, Big Plans Melbourne not only is the premier facility for floor plan visualisation but provides a unique experience for all visitors and clients that will leave a lasting impression.