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Project News

LED Strip Solutions for Big Plans Melbourne

LED Strip Solutions helped BIG PLANS MELBOURNE transform their space into Melbourne’s premier facility for floor plan visualisation.

The Key Factors involved:

– Creation of the Bespoke 3D Neon Signage which was mounted to the ceiling beam to create another form of illumination.

– LED Illumination has been used to create nice accents around the space, such as in the kitchen, boardroom as well as side illuminate the staircase.

– A Ultimamax Bespoke Ceiling Lightbox was utilised to create a nice atmosphere in the upstairs office.

– Eurotruss HD34 Truss was used specifically for its weight loading on spans. This provided the ability to mount all projections, utilising only 4 Points on such wide spans.

Thanks to the use of LED Illumination, Big Plans Melbourne not only is the premier facility for floor plan visualisation but provides a unique experience for all visitors and clients that will leave a lasting impression.

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An LED luminaire crafted by lighting experts with a proven history of quality, meet ColorSource PAR V Zoom. The 17-41 degree manual zoom eliminates...
