The 150-seat Lawler at Southbank Theatre is used by Melbourne Theatre Company (MTC) to present productions such as Cybec Electric – our annual season of readings of new plays, our Education program and seasons specifically for families and children, sometimes presented in collaboration with other companies. We also use the space for the development and workshopping of new works. The Lawler is regularly used by external hirers presenting a range of work including dance, musical theatre, comedy, plays and corporate events.
The Lawler and Events Technical Supervisor is predominantly responsible for the safe, efficient and professional operation of the space, working in conjunction with other permanent staff at Southbank Theatre and casual technicians engaged as required. The role may also contribute to operations elsewhere within Southbank Theatre or with MTC at other venues.
The Lawler and Events Technical Supervisor assists staff from MTC Headquarters, Southbank Theatre and MTC’s Events Manager to deliver events at Southbank Theatre which support the work of the company as well as our corporate partners.
The position is offered on a full time basis.
To view the full position description and to apply, please visit our website:
Applications close Friday, 24 February 2017 at 5pm