A Tale of Lighting, Confusion and Pandas in the Land of the Red Dragon
Lighting direction has taken me all over the world for some extravagant gigs in far-off lands. I have been asked what it’s like to travel for work in so many foreign countries. I can tell you that, for the most part, it is similar to what you are used to. It’s just the same loading dock in a different country. The food is a little different, the money is a different color and the stagehands speak only slightly less English than at home.
Except for China. China is a different world altogether. China’s booming economy has made it one of the most candidate-short markets in Asia. This is forcing Chinese companies to look abroad for skilled technicians and programmers.
Read the full article at: http://plsn.com/current-issue/6-ld-at-large/23740-kung-fu-lighting.html