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Equipment News

Key Event Lighting Products Landing with 5-pin connectors

We are pleased to announce a change that a number of clients will be happy to hear about.

Effective immediately, our key Event Lighting products will be offered in 5-pin for shipments that have begun to land and will land in the future.

This will exclude our Lite series of products which will remain as 3 pin and in-house conversions will no longer be offered.

For the remaining stock of 3-pin products with 5 pins now available, please see the list below which we will be offering 10% off for those who mention this promotion:

PAR12X12 – 79 units
PAR12X8A – 13 units
PAR5X12A – 2 units
PAN2X1X30 – 17 units
PAN8X1X30 – 14 units
F200VMZ – 12 units
PS300LEWW – 14 units

Along with the products above, the following items have also recently landed in 5 pin: PIXBAR6X12, PARRGBW5X8, PAR9X12OB, F200WWMZ.

Quantities are based on availability at the time of print and are to be reviewed at the time of the proceeding.

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