Short Courses run at our Sydney Campus from July 5th. We have been running these courses regularly since 2002 and are Australia’s most prolific training college for backstage technical skills.
These are all accredited Units from the Entertainment Training Package. You are awarded a Statement of Attainment with formal Units of Competency on successful completion of these courses.
* 5 July. Stage OH&S. 1 day $180 – Trainer: Julius.
* 5 – 9 July. ADVANCED LIGHTING DESK AND MOVING LIGHTS. 5 DAYS $875 – Trainer: Michael Quin.
* 6, 7, 8 July. Sound Basics 3 days $595 – Trainer: Steve Defina
* 9, 10, 12 July. Lighting Basics. 3 days $595 – Trainer: John Maizels
* 12 – 16 July. ADVANCED LIVE SOUND MIXING. 5 DAYS $875 – Trainer: James Den Ouden
* 13, 14, 15 July. Vision Basics. 3 days $595 – Trainer: John Maizels
* 16 July. Certificate 3 completion day. $300
* 5 July – 16 July. Full Certificate III in Live Production, Theatre and Events. 11 days plus some external work. $2,200
Info at:
Booking online at:
Dates, costs and accommodation options:
More info: email or call 02 9638-5955.

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