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Business News

Jem K1 Hazer blows away the competition

Karralyka Centre, the premier theatre and function centre in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs, recently bade farewell to their hazer which had come to the end of its useful life.

Phillip van Nes, Theatre Technical Coordinator for the Karralyka Centre, began to research the different haze machines available on the market and consequently the JEM K1 Hazer was brought to his attention. The Jem K1 Hazer is Martin Professional’s new generation, top-of-the-line hazer for high performance applications where a high level of reliability and easy serviceability is required.

”I sourced a hire machine from Clear Systems and put the machine through its paces on a number of different shows,” he reported. “From first turning on the machine, to operating and eventually shutting the machine down, I found it very easy to use. The fact that I can run a hazer at 5% with minimal noise and have such a perfect haze in my venue is unheard of!”

One feature that Phillip can’t stop praising is the Self Clean Function.

”The fact that it cleans itself on its own battery power supply means that I now never have a machine that is put away with fluid in the pipes,” he said. “I think this is a very clever system and should be more readily available.”

Fluid consumption has been greatly optimized thanks to a specially-formulated K1 Haze Fluid that leaves no residue on light fixtures or other equipment and furnishings. An ‘Eco’ mode extends the K1’s run time by several hours and improves fluid economy by a factor of four compared to other hazers in the market. It also features a `silent´ mode especially suitable for theatres and other applications where noise level is an issue. It is this combination of special fluid and innovation that makes the Jem K1 Hazer unique.

After a test weekend with the K1 hazer, Phillip immediately bought a unit through Clear Systems for the Centre and he insists that he has never looked back.

“I would highly recommend this machine to anyone that is looking for a robust, reliable, cost-effective and simple to use hazer,” he stated. “Congratulations Martin – you have done it again!”

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