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Jands Vista 2 ‘Byron’ public beta now available

This public beta release exhibits the new platform that has been rebuilt from the ground up to enable Jands to continue expanding the development of the Vista operating system for years to come. Jands Vista 2 “Byron” is the result of extensive user feedback and the refinement of every aspect of the Vista as well as the introduction of a host of new features that make it even faster and easier to work with your Jands Vista console.
These include:

  • Fast Cue-List Navigation
  • Super search
  • An extensive library of pre-programmed effects
  • Split fade times
  • A completely overhauled user interface
  • Media server control
  • Tracking back up.

Further details regarding these features and many more can be found at

Byron can be downloaded from and is available for Windows PC and Linux only.

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