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Innovative Spotlight Fresnels

Innovative Production Services has been acquiring quite an arsenal of Spotlight fresnels including eighteen Combi 12 F 1.2K and twelve of the Combi 05 F 650 watt models.

“The build quality of the Spotlight fresnels is fantastic especially for a fresnel at the price point that the Spotlight gear is,” remarked Jeremy Koch, Director of Innovative Production Services. “The barn door build is exceptional which is important as if anything is going to break over time it will be the barn door. The design is simple and very classic – they’re not trying to do anything too fancy. It’s a simple aluminium box that is clever with its dissipation but doesn’t try too hard. It does what it does and does it well. There are no bells and whistles and sometimes that is just what you want in a lighting fixture.”

Innovative’s Spotlight fresnels were the only lighting fixture required to illuminate the catwalk for Australian Fashion Designer Carla Zampatti’s recent spring-summer collection. The show was held in the car park beneath her Kent Street headquarters meaning quite a few challenges for Jeremy and his crew.

“We needed to be able to design something that had minimal impact from a time frame point of view as it was still operating as a car park,” he said. “We had to ensure a comprehensive and well covered catwalk for a respectable price as Carla was presenting on her own and was not part of Fashion Week.”

The rigging system incorporated the audio so as to keep equipment off the floor and cables hidden. Held in the morning there was a certain amount of daylight seeping through. Control was via Jands Vista 1 plus a Jands HP12 dimmer.

“Whilst the catwalk was only a metre wide we had to make sure there was even coverage and good angles which is why we used two-metre poles on a single truss run down the centre of the catwalk,” commented Jeremy.

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