Harrison Audio has announced the launch of the new 32Classic Channel Strip plugin inspired by the Harrison 32 Series mixing console that was employed on numerous hit recordings in the 1970s and 80s.
The 32Classic Plug-in is available now in several formats that include VST2, VST3, AAX, and AU as part of the ever-growing SSL Complete and Complete Access subscriptions from $14.99/m (Ts&Cs apply) or perpetual purchase via the Harrison eStore.
The plugin offers a new Drive control for dialling in warm, harmonic saturation based on the 32Classic consoles Jensen transformer-coupled mic preamp. Additionally, it has a four-band parametric EQ section and full dynamics processing, offering three distinct compression modes, and an Emphasis knob to access more vintage character. Further, it provides high- and low-pass filtering.
The three types of compression are joined by a side-chain filter with a sweepable frequency and a Listen function. The three compressor modes include COMP, which provides versatile, traditional VCA-style compression; LEVEL, offering a smooth gain reduction for subtly taming dynamics; and LIMIT, a fast-acting, aggressive style of compression for adding punch and energy to tracks.
Further, the Emphasis control provides users access to a more vintage style of compression, reacting to louder sounds more quickly and resulting in a smoother character. Like on the original console, the 32Classic plugin’s gate/expander is designed to be intuitive. The gain-reduction metering offers instant visual feedback while the routing section rearranges the processing order of the gate/expander, compressor, and EQ.