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Group Technologies + NST Audio

As building installations grow ever more complex in a world of rapidly advancing communication systems, the realm of Networked Audio has grown to encompass an enormous range of hardware. Whilst much of this hardware is manufactured under the badge of pro audio, there are sizable offerings from the world of telecommunications and general IT networking brands. As these manufacturing behemoths compete against one another over scalability and agility of deployment, one key aspect is often left by the wayside: audio quality.

Not so with NST Audio, whose exceptional approach to digital and analogue audio quality has carved them a valuable niche in the world of networking for live sound and fixed installation.

Established in the UK in 2014, NST Audio now appear across the globe from Prague to Vietnam; their distinctive approach to sonic definition and clarity making them major considerations in many high-end integrations, as Dan Cartman, NST Audio’s Managing Director, explains:

“Where we diverge from other major install brands is our approach to sound quality. This focus has opened doors for us that might not have been available to those only manufacturing corporate-oriented hardware. NST gear is finding its way into installs where high-quality audio is a must. Some spaces, such as top-tier cinema setups, require truly high-end audio, and this is where NST’s strengths really become apparent. We continue to develop in this direction, with audio quality as our primary focus.”

From major concert venues to ground-breaking interactive exhibits, from broadcast houses to houses of worship, nightclubs, schools and much else besides, instances of NST Audio being spotted out in the wild appear to be ever-increasing- a sure sign that plenty of integration professionals remain audiophiles at heart.

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