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Green Hippo Develops HippoDoctor

Green Hippo’s Hippotizer software Version 3.0.14 and above includes several new components to assist with technical support and troubleshooting of Hippotizer media servers. HippoDoctor is a component that identifies and reports current and potential software issues and generates detailed logs resulting in much faster problem resolution and subsequent dissemination of known issues.

Hippotizer has always been known for generating detailed log files but until now the process of sharing these logs with technical staff has relied on support from Green Hippo. HippoDoctor is a stand-alone application that can be run outside Hippotizer and is also beneficial, the company says, on the rare occasions that software issues prevent Hippotizer from running.–The user can make changes to the configuration without running either the Hippotizer or ZooKeeper applications.

HippoDoctor is also able to troubleshoot common operating system, networking and even non-Gree-Hipp-related issues, which are often time consuming and laborious for customers and Green Hippo staff alike when providing support.

Features include:
– Full reporting of software and OS related issues
– Compilation of logs and compression into Zip format added to the system’s desktop
– Remote Starting/Stopping of Hippotizer components

HippoDoctor is released with Hippotizer version 3.0.14 SP1. and above and is also included with Hippotizer 3.1 Alpha.
Australian Distributor: Clearlight Shows

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