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Business News

grandMA2 light for Cairellie

Technical production company Cairellie has taken delivery of an MA Lighting grandMA2 light console to add to their fleet of classic grandMA consoles.

“Recently we’ve been finding that more and more lighting designers are asking for the MA2 console rather than the classic console,” commented Dave Gleig of Cairellie. “So really it is the industry driving the decision to purchase an MA2. Plus now that all of our staff has got their heads around how the console and platform works, it’s becoming more and more of a useful tool for us as well.”

Dave’s staff reports that the MA2 is very user friendly and even though there are many differences between the two models, it is an easy platform to cross over to if you know how to use the older console.

“They haven’t completely redesigned the console rather just changed a few things,” he added. “It’s similar to what Apple has done with their iPads and iPhones. The guys really like the new user interface, especially the way the macro system works, The grandMA2 light is a perfect size: It gives me all the features I need and plenty of workable space.

Other features favoured by the Cairellie crew include the way the grandMA2 deals with presets, the fact that channels can be tracked right through the show, and the auto-update facility, whereby any cue change is updated immediately across a network.

“It’s also very fast,” Dave remarked. “The guys like the touch control and bump buttons as well as having access to more DMX universes on the grandMA2 light.”

The photos show the grandMA2 in action at The Big Exo Day held at Parramatta Park. Lighting designer and operator was Jonathan Lucas who always specifies the grandMA2 as his primary choice of console.

“It’s the only console of choice for him, it’s a must-have,” commented Dave.

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