In June / July the national Bliss n Eso ‘Running On Air’ Tour hit the road proving to be the largest Australian Hip Hop show to ever tour the country. GRB Lighting designed and pre programmed the entire show in their factory via Wysiwyg visualizer with a lot of direct input from the Bliss N Eso camp.
“We started out with a basic concept which evolved into a two-part show,” explained Greg Butt, production manager at GRB. “The design had to be broken down in to two systems; an arena-style set up and a smaller version for smaller venues on the tour run.
According to Greg, the workhorses of the tour were the eight Martin MAC700 profiles and eight Martin MAC700 Wash plus the sixteen GLP Impression RZ LED fixtures sub-hired from Chameleon Touring Systems. The GLP Impression 120 RZ builds on the proven performance reputation that the Impression brand has attained around the world, whilst offering an automated zoom function to designer’s fingertips, combined with a new LED source.
“We found the GLP Impression RZ’s to be a fantastic fixture and in some cases had to knock them down a bit, they are so punchy,” he said. “The new zoom feature gave us the diversity to be able to create a lot of wash looks as well as some really big spot look. However, the main criteria was to not over shadow the vision aspect of the show and be able to let the vision from TDC be integrated as opposed to being blown out by lights. The fixtures held up well and the Impressions true white, punch and colour temperature was incredible.”
The GRB crew was Jeb Bales, systems, and Mike MacDonald, LX rigger, who did an incredible job.
Fixtures used were 8 x MAC700 profiles, 8 x MAC700 wash, 16 x GLP Impression Rz, 12 x Molefay duets, 5 x Jarag 5’s, 9 x Martin Atomic strobes, 12 x profiles, 2 x 2k fresnel with barn doors and PAR 56’s for the piano. The trussing used was Global F54, F44 from Design Quintessence.

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